Become A Member

With an easy online form, joining the Skaneateles Area Chamber of Commerce has never been easier!

If you would like a physical application please email Hilary Fenner at for a copy. You can also stop into the office for a copy. We look forward to working with you!


Professional Members - $200/year

Note:Tourism Members (See categories below)
Note: Skaneateles, NY = 13152 zip code; Village of Skaneateles = within Village limits

Tourism Level I - $545.00:
Attractions open all year round in Skaneateles, NY
Restaurants located in the Village of Skaneateles with more than 30 seats
Hotels/motels/inns located in Skaneateles, NY open all year round
Retail shops located on Genesee Street in the Village of Skaneateles with 3 or more employees (including owner)

Tourism Level 2 - $360.00
Retail shops located on Genesee Street in the Village of Skaneateles with 1 or 2 employees (including owner)
All retail shops located on Jordan and Fennell Streets (with an address of Jordan or Fennell) in the Village of Skaneateles
Restaurants located in the Village of Skaneateles with less than 30 seats
Attractions open part time in the Village of Skaneateles
Bed and Breakfasts located in the Village of Skaneateles
Hotels/motels/inns located outside of Skaneateles, NY open all year round
Hotels/motels/inns located in Skaneateles, NY open part- time

Tourism Level 3 - $275.00:
Bed and Breakfasts located outside the Village of Skaneateles, NY
Hotels/Motels/Inns open seasonally outside Skaneateles
Real estate offices in the Village of Skaneateles
Attractions including limo companies and golf courses
Attractions open part-time outside the Village of Skaneateles
Banks in the Village of Skaneateles
Restaurants located outside the Village of Skaneateles
Not-for-profit tourism (1/2 price of $275)
Government entities

Tourism Level 4 - $215.00:
Hair salons in the Village of Skaneateles
Retail shops located outside the Village of Skaneateles
On-line retail stores

Checks payable to:
Skaneateles Area Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 199, 22 Jordan Street
Skaneateles, New York 13152-0199
Credit cards accepted: Master Card/VISA/Discover/American Express

We also offer the option of paying your membership online!