Phone Number | 315-685-6660 |
Alt Phone Number | 800-468-6873 |
Directions | A short 20 minute drive from Syracuse. 3 miles North of the village of Skaneateles on Jordan Road. Look for the big HABA FAMILYGROUP sign at the end of the road. |
Address | 4407 Jordan Rd. Skaneateles, NY 13152
customerservice@habausa.com | |
Hours | HABA Toy Outlet is OPEN -- Monday-Friday 9am-4pm, Saturday 10am-2pm |
Website | http://www.habausa.com |
HABA Toy Outlet is OPEN -- Monday-Friday 9am-4pm, Saturday 10am-2pm
HABA USA is the exclusive importer of HABA toys & games designed by our parent company in Germany. HABA USA is also the exclusive importer and distributor of two other brands 1) Spielstabil (pronounced speel-sta-beel) which is a phenomenal quality, indestructible, color fast line of beach toys many of which are still made in Germany and 2) Hubelino (Who-ba-lee-no) which is a German-based manufacturer of building bricks and games that are fully compatible with common systems for interlocking toy blocks.