Brinson Marine

Phone Number | 315-469-4867 |
Directions | From Village of Skaneateles: East on Rt 20. Turn Left onto Rt 175 East at Skan-ellus restaurant. Continue on Rt. 175 as it turns right in Marcellus. We are on the left before Syracuse. 20 minutes |
Address | 4553 W. Seneca Turnpike Syracuse, NY 13215
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Hours | Mon-Fri: 9-5 |
Website | |
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Shoremaster Docks
Shoremaster Boat Lifts
Trifecta Pontoon Boats
Mercury Outboards
Service and Storage
Full service marine dealership featuring docks, hoists, pontoon boats and Mercury Outboards. Wakeboard and Waterski shop. Tubes and towables. Boat Service and storage available.