Voice & Pen
Phone Number | (315) 784-6240 |
Directions | Contact me by email, phone, linkedin to procure my services. Consider this one of our storefronts. |
Address | P.O.Box 578 Skaneateles, NY 13152
twingfield77@yahoo.com | |
Hours | I'm on 7days a week, 6 am to 6 pm EST/EDT. Will follow up with you within 12 hours of your inquiry |
Website | http://voicenpen.com |
Voice & Pen is about communication, lean and true. We'll find your voice, find the words and help your business express itself, be it through word, voice or design.
What you get will be the benefit of more than 25 years communicating in the resource, environmental, construction and manufacturing sectors in startups, small and midsize companies as well as large, global enterprises. From field and shop floor to the boardroom and government chambers there is always a way to tailor the message and the medium to make it simple for your audience to understand.
We are a new, agile and forward-looking business. As such, first timers get a discounted rate and repeat customers get priority. Your good word and recommendation is valued.
Finding your voice, understanding your message, finishing your sentences, telling your stories and honing your presentation will help you deliver what your customers need to hear.
Call Tom at 315-784-6240, or email at twingfield77@yahoo.com
I'm ready to help.